The Iron Heel By Bix Santana & Ryan Gutierrez Review

The Iron Heel By Bix Santana & Ryan Gutierrez

Reviewed by Amy Raines For Reader’s Favorite

The Iron Heel By Bix Santana & Ryan Gutierrez is a graphic novel based in a futuristic Earth that is now divided into unions founded by elite and royal families. Anthony Meredith gets caught up in a whirlwind of lies, deception, cruelty and slavery. Meredith is led to an underground city where the rich and royal people come together to use the worlds remaining resources to further delve into their own world of luxuries. Meredith has been given a white book that holds secrets from both the past and present that could bring on a revolution and send the world as they know it crashing to the ground.

The Iron Heel By Bix Santana & Ryan Gutierrez is a well laid out, artistic graphic novel set in the distant future. The plot is a wild ride through the twisted underbelly of democracy, bureaucracy, exploitation and revolution. The characters are very well thought out and planned with very unique personalities and characteristics that allow the reader to delve into the new world and getting caught up in the rebellion with them. The images are very vivid, graphic, artistic and absolutely amazing in detail that tell the story just as well as the words on the page. I recommend this book because I have personally never been interested in graphic novels or a lot of science fiction and fantasy but The Iron Heel has successfully amended that notion. I love the amount of thought, effort, creativity and action Santana and Gutierrez have folded into this wonderful book and I hope to see plenty more graphic novels like The Iron Heel in my near future.

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